2-Hour Kizomba Dance Class
During these classes we focus on steps that ensure you develop your connection & flow. Level 1 focuses on mastering the Passo De Lado, Passo Lento, Marca and Corridinho while also exposing you to Balance, Retrocesso. This stage should last for around 3-6 months Level 2 we will use level one steps plus add a focus on mastering Balance, Retrocesso, Virgula and the shuffle step as well as exposing you to Põe De Lado aka both Saidas - Do Homem & Da Mulher. 6 months - 1 year Level 3 we use all of the previous steps and variations of them and include ideas such Volta and Arrancar e Parar which we use to create variety with your steps by adding pauses and also play with syncopating your steps. 1 - 3 years Level 4 we use all of the previous steps and we add tricks such as dips, drops, trips, kicks and lifts. 3 years plus